Export population per cell in rasterize command line

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Export population per cell in rasterize command line

Post by Fabg »


I am doing rasters from cross sections of a cloud. I obtain a lot of clouds so I'm using a batch to rasterize them.

In the GUI of CloudCompare it is possible to export density (population per cell) from a cloud (in the rasterize menu).

Is there a way to do it in command line?

For now I'm doing this by calcating a density scalar field and export it with "OUTPUT_RASTER_Z_AND_SF". But I can't optain the same population per cell than when I use the GUI. I tried different radius. It's difficult to find the approrpiate threshold. I also tried a scalar field with "number a neighbors" but nothing is fine.

Thank you !
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Re: Export population per cell in rasterize command line

Post by daniel »

Indeed, I don't think it's possible to export this value (field) via the command line. This will have to be added to the TODO list for now...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Export population per cell in rasterize command line

Post by Fabg »

Thank you for your answer Daniel, and thank you for CloucCompare!!

Yes, it would be great to be able to do this with Ccompare. Espacially for people like me who are aiming to export on Qgis for raster analysis.
Maybe the CloudCompare Python Plugin could help?

For now, I'll try to obtain the number of point per cell with Qgis from the Ascci export of Ccompare but it will not be so easy.

Best regards
Thomas L.
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Re: Export population per cell in rasterize command line

Post by Thomas L. »

Thanks a lot for CloudCompare!
I don't seem to be able to export the stats of Rasterize from the command line (I'm using CC 2.13). I can imagine there are more pressing to do, could you confirm that this hasn't been implemented?
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Re: Export population per cell in rasterize command line

Post by daniel »

Indeed, I there are a lot of options there, and not a simple way to set them via the command line...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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