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on off classification layers with

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:38 pm
by PablerasBCN

In other softwares I can on-off layers like "grond" " high vegetation" etc. in CC I've to split the cloud using the classification SF.

I wish I could on off and edit only the active/displayed layer points.

Re: on off classification layers with

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:58 pm
by daniel
I'm going to create a special section on the forum just for you :D

It's good to have so many ideas, but frankly, if you could have one thread will all your 'suggestions', it would make things easier for us.

And also, you have to understand that this tool is developed on our free time, with super limited ressources. Don't expect too much out of it ;)

Re: on off classification layers with

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:29 am
by PablerasBCN
Sorry :|

I thought different topics would be better to have in separate threads.

I'll pack them in one thread and delete the individual entries, give me 24/48h

I've been using CC latelly quite a bit and a lot of ideas/issues have come out.