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Octree/voxel- based analysis

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:37 pm
by AEA
Hi David,
I wonder if there is any way to export the octree structure (e.g. coordinates of the different cubes with points inside) and obtain additional information out of it (e.g. number of points in each cube).

Actually, it would be like the current rasterize tool but in 3D.


Re: Octree/voxel- based analysis

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:09 pm
by Oiz
Might be a little derpy lifehackz solution, but check "Distance Map" under Tools > Sandbox (Research) > Distance Map. It's not exactly the octree cube centers, but it might give you a result similar to what you are looking for. It's kind of a "rasterize tool but in 3D", specially if you play with the display ranges of the output cloud. If you set it to only display "0" values, you get all the points in a regular grid that lay in a point of the original cloud. This tool essentially transforms the original cloud into a kind-of-volumetric, regularly spaced cloud; kind of like a "minecraft" version of your cloud.

You can play with the resolution of the grid, giving you a sort of "octree level" kind of control.

From there on, you can play with this, processing the data on the original cloud and transfering it into the "regularly spaced" cloud with the Edit > Scalar Fields > Interpolate from another entity tool. Or you could directly analyze the output cloud.