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Compare Z-Val of two point clouds

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:50 pm
by Ingsayyad
I have two dense (Resolution:2-3 mm) point clouds A&B.
Using CC, I generate raster (2 cm) from each of them with the same center and size. Assuming that both point clouds have the same x, y values, I want to compare only Z-values of two point clouds. Obviously, it is only Z-Val, what is different.
I wan to get
if there is point in both clouds with same x & y( within 1 cm) ---> delatZ
no point in either point cloud at a x&y at a position ---> NAN/Userdefined

Re: Compare Z-Val of two point clouds

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:24 pm
by daniel
You would have to use the 'Tools > Volume > Compute 2.5D Volume' tool (see ... .5D_Volume). When you run this tool (which works a lot like the 'Rasterize' tool), it computes the difference between the 2 clouds projected on the same (raster) grid. And you have an option to 'Export grid as cloud" (at the bottom).

This will give you a cloud which corresponds to the grid, with the Z coordinate being the difference (as well as the associated scalar field named 'relative height').