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Point picking

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:28 am
by dktrudgett
Just wondering, is point picking still working in your trunk version of CloudCompare? In our internal company version, which has a few minor customisations, point and point list picking is not working after bringing through trunk changes since 11 February.

In addition, debugging is difficult, since GDB 7.2 is not working correctly on Windows (single stepping in particular).

I also can't compile trunk on Windows because compile or link of liblas fails (I use an updated liblas in our internal company version).


Re: Point picking

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:34 am
by daniel

indeed, there was a bug (a missing include in fact in ccGLWindow.h) in the 21st Feb. version. It has been corrected in the trunk version yesterday.

I must admit that for debugging I use MS Visual Studio! This is why there's a visual project in qCC/msvc/VC9 (it's for visual 2008 only). You should launch the project with 'start_visual.bat' (in addition, you may also have to install the QT MSVC addin ( and to set a QTDIR global variable to point an a MSVC version of QT).

This version doesn't support Liblas by the way (the CC_LAS_SUPPORT macro is not set). If you have troubles with Liblas in the Code::Blocks, you can also deactivate it (by removing the CC_LAS_SUPPORT macro in the project options, as well as any include/library). Otherwise, if you need liblas, can you tell me more about the error messages? (I have already made the modification you suggested on the 'schemaHasColour' issue).