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Comparing Cloud Poins in Real Time

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 1:11 am
by alex_szykman
Hi! Sorry if this is a dumb question... I´m new to CloudCompare. I have been studying the possibility of comparing animations of cloud points. I record point clouds from Kinect - each frame generates a new point cloud. Then I made a system to play each recorded point cloud in a frame, so that I could have an "animation of point clouds." I see that CloudCompare can compare one cloud point to another one. But do you guys think it is possible to make it in each frame of an application so that the colors of the comparison follow the "animation of point clouds"? If so, would you give me any light about what in the code I have to search for to get the comparison algorithms and replicate them in each frame of an application that play the "animations of point clouds?"

Thanks a lot!

Re: Comparing Cloud Poins in Real Time

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:38 pm
by daniel
Well, it's always possible to compare any number of points to the same reference (or several of course). Then you can apply an 'absolute' color scale so that the fake colors are always the same for all clouds (and therefore 'consistent'). You can even do that in a batch with the command line tool.

If you are only interested in the algorithm to compute distances, then you could only use the 'CC_CORE_LIB' library and use the DistanceComputationTools class: ... ionTools.h