Things that rock

For any remark, link or suggestion about CloudCompare and more genrally the 3D
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Joined: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:57 pm

Things that rock

Post by PablerasBCN »

I needed to remark some stuff that is awesome from this software.

Virtual broom tool is totally badass. Ideal for removing cars in mobile lidar datasets. Typical noise from this datasets are pasing by cars and such and this tool does MAGIC.

Segmentation tool. It would be just a selection and split tool if it wasnt for the support for .shp files. This is EXTREMELLY usefull for extracting the points that are related to specific features you've already have countour in a CAD software. You may extract the limits of a road surface or you may have them in the cartography, you import the shape into CC and with this tool you can "classify" your cloud into different subcloud. Super handy.

Hability to split clouds using value ranges of scalar fiels is ssssuper usefull for cleanups and such. Being this tool temporary not creating clouds could be ok to keep things tidy but may lead to issues.

Transferring colours from another cloud to other. neat. In mobile mapping it is quite common that top side of trees are white cause color is not properly transferred from photo. So after having split with previous tool you then recolorize and merge back.

After having a road extracted cleaned up and such... is time to uniformly densify that part of the road so I ended up by meshing and resampling as many points as needed.

PCV AO plugin really is an awesome plugin, brings a lot of detail in non colorized clouds.

I think time has come to make a donation. Even I miss features the already present are a blast.

Support by Daniel is amazingly fast and of quality.

More to discover ahead!!
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Joined: Fri May 11, 2018 10:46 am

Re: Things that rock

Post by JohnRad »

Couldn't agree more about the Virtual Broom tool. That's what sold me on the whole thing, really. I use it all the time.
I feel enlightened by this Leanbean review that explains it all.
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