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Difference between compiled CC and downloaded version

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:54 pm
by RobH616
Hi Daniel,

As you know, with your help I managed to compile the CC source code on Win7 using VS2013 (and Qt 5.3.2). Previously I've been working on the downloaded version of CC-(v2.5.6 beta 64bit). When I open the compiled version of CC which is apparently the same (v2.5.6 beta 64bit) and open the same point cloud that I have been manipulating in the downloaded version, it takes far longer to open and perform any operation (e.g. rotating jerks on compiled version but not downloaded version). Both are using the NVIDIA graphics card and when looking at task manager while attempting to open the same point cloud on the two versions, both seem to use the same/same-amount-of processors.

Could there is some features that speed up processing of point clouds that come as standard with the downloaded version but I may not have install/configured when compiling on my own ?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

(P.S. I seem to be becoming a frequent user of these forums - I hope all my questions aren't becoming irritating )

Re: Difference between compiled CC and downloaded version

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:41 pm
by daniel
Are you launching the program in "debug" mode or "release" mode? Because "debug" mode is very slow (but let's you access all the magic ;)

Re: Difference between compiled CC and downloaded version

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:30 pm
by RobH616
HI Daniel,

Yep you're correct, I was running in debug mode. Running in release mode works the same. What more does debug mode tell you ? (or is that not a quick question to answer)

Many Thanks,

Re: Difference between compiled CC and downloaded version

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:45 pm
by daniel
The same as the "standard" release I hope ;)

Well, debug mode let you stop the code anywhere you want (with breakpoints), run it step by step, even change the order of execution of some portions of code. It also allows you to read the values of any variable once a breakpoint is triggered. You can watch what the threads are doing, etc. Very useful to... debug ;)

But awfully slow.