Install not copying in directory

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Install not copying in directory

Post by Tournevis »

I spent 4 days trying to make the debugging working. I went through so many issues. It looks like my last issue is to make the build the INSTALL project does not copy the files.

Here is what i have done:
I tried the and also the

CMake version 3.19.2
i build the binaries at .../Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16
I clicked on the buttion "add entry" in cmake and i added those entries.
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH C:/Qt/Qt5.9.0/5.9/msvc2017_64 (i tried 5.9.9 and 5.12.10 but i could not run the configure. It may be related to the installation of the QT, there are a lots of options I can check)


I tried a couple of different path. c:/cc, But i think the correct one is ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release because it looks like this is where visual studio is trying to load CloudCompare.

After i clicked on Configure (visual studio 2017 and x64)... no errors. I run the generate.
Then I open the All_build solution (in visual studio), switch to release, then right click on the solution, go to properties and select Cloudcompare for the single solution startup. run the build.

I did the same thing for the install solution. then i expect some files would be copied to ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release but i only se the CloudCompare.exe.

if I run the project, I see missing dll for instance
CloudCompare.exe - Erreur système

Impossible d’exécuter le code, car QCC_IO_LIB.dll est introuvable. La réinstallation du programme peut corriger ce problème.
it does that for couple of files.

If i copy all the files from the normal installation in c:program files/cloudcompare,
It will run, but i doubt it will debug correctly.

I can manually copy the file one buy one from diffentes folders to the ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release but at the end i have this error

CloudCompare.exe - Erreur d’application
L’application n’a pas réussi à démarrer correctement (0xc000007b). Cliquez sur OK pour fermer l’application.

I am wondering if it may be related to my video Card? I saw a similar issue from another user in this forum.
Or maybe from Input director? It is a software to allow to use the same mouse and keybord on differents computers.

I am completely stuck, and I don't want do give up. I would really appreciate help.
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Re: Install not copying in directory

Post by daniel »

Normally you don't need to "add" the entries manually. You just need to click the "Generate" button multiple times, and each time set the right values for the empty/wrong fields, etc. (until there are no error remaining).

For instance, for Qt you'll just need to set QT5_ROOT_PATH, etc.

And for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, you really have to set it to somewhere else than the build directory! The whole point is to have a clean folder where everything necessary (and only that) is copied when you compile the INSTALL project.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:28 pm

Re: Install not copying in directory

Post by Tournevis »

Finally I got it! after another 2 days. Thank you Daniel.

In case somebody want to know. here is some updates.

Effectively i did not have to add entries. And actually, It looks like we should not click on configure, only generate. (Maybe I am wrong here, i should do more test).
Then went to change the QT5_ROOT_PATH and the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

I opened visual studio and builded the build all and the install subproject. and finally It was copying the files. (because before, no matter what, it was not copying)

But after that I had other problems. like missing dll, or missing symbols or.. i don't remember what exacly.

So here are more hints.

I reinstall qt5 5.9.9 instead of 5.9.0. And i checked ALL the options to have a full installation.
so qt5 root path was
QT5_ROOT_PATH C:/Qt/Qt5.9.0/5.9/msvc2017_64
I used CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX C:/cc .. of course

I generate it for visual studio 2019 (x64). I don't know why but I was not able to start cloudcompare with vs 2017.

To build ALL_BUILD and INSTALL I was runing the .vcxproj and building solution. witch is wrong. you can right click on the subproject and build it. I probably wasted a lot of time here.

Also i click on the solution, then on the debug on the top menu, then on cloudcompare debug properties. And change the output directore for C:\cc\CloudCompare_debug like Daniel said, you really have to set it to somewhere else than the build directory.

One last thing, I tough we had to do all this on the release mode(I have read this someware in this forum). I noticed I could not hit the breakpoints in release mode, I tried the debug mode and it works.

That's it, I hope this extra time will help somebody like me one day.
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